In God We Trust


  Happy Independence Day weekend! 

      Pretty much anyone who knows me knows how much I love this country that I call home. 

    I am a patriot and I love this land. Because of America and its military, many of our allies have seen freedom from tyrant governments and horrible dictators. People long to live here - in many people's minds, America=freedom. Our revolution inspired tons of other nations to become just that - free nations, no longer held back by the clutches of socialism. I probably sound like a broken record when I say how truly blessed I feel to be an American. 

   But this blog is not going to be about all of America's victories and awesome qualities. It isn't going to be a list of everything that I love about America. I'm not going to explain why I believe that conservative ideas and capital markets are what make America so great. Because even though I do love a good political conversation about conservative ideas and the Constitution, that isn't what has kept America standing for the past 245 years. That foundation would be too easily shaken. 

  It is extremely easy to put your faith in people or worldly things. About six months ago, I was having a conversation with my parents, and I was rather upset. Many things had been happening in the government,  and a lot of politicians showed their true colors. I, along with a lot of other Americans, was truly confused. I didn't know who to believe anymore. Was everyone corrupt and working on their own secret agenda? What was true and what were lies? 

  My dad then looked at my mom and said, "Oh, what was that verse? How did it go? 'In Pence I put my trust; Pence I trust in you?' No, thats not it. Was it, 'In Pelosi I trust?' Or 'Bill Cassidy, I trust in you?' Oh, I know. It had to be 'In Trump I put my trust; Trump I trust in you.' Right?

  It took me longer than I would like to admit to catch on to what he was saying. Nowhere in the Word of God does it say anything about putting your faith in presidents, politics, politicians, the government, or a nation. As clear as day, scripture explains to us that people and things of this world are fleeting, and complete faith and trust in them will crumble. 

"Some put their faith in chariots, others in horses, but I put mine in the Lord." Psalms 20:7 

    Like I have said many times, I love America. I'm thankful for our Constitution, strong military, and safety. We have had God-fearing leaders, and we have had the opposite. But I have had to stop and remind myself of this verse. In God, not in man, I put my trust. 

   "That's great Alex. So, basically I should move off the grid, cut off contact with the outside world and never trust a word that a political figure says?" Umm not exactly. 

Patriotism vs. Idolatry (there's a big difference)

    We can be patriots of America and it not be an idol. We can vote for our leaders and not worship them. We can be advocates for political ideas and it not be a sin. And this goes for everything, but for the sake of this discussion, we are talking about patriotism. How do we know if something is an idol or not? That part is simple. All we have to do is see where our trust, faith, and source of joy is. 

   Have you ever heard the quote, "Why wish upon stars when you can pray to the one who created them?" Well, that is the mindset I believe about America. Earlier I said that although I am an advocate for free speech and conservative ideas, such things would be a weak foundation. Thankfully, America was not initially founded and established just for freedom of thought and the ideas of the Founding Fathers. Instead, it was founded on the strongest foundation - faith in the Lord. 

  Many believe that the foundation of American was when the Founding Fathers sat down to write the Declaration of Independence from Britain. In reality, a compact was written many years before the colonists were taxed without being represented. 

  When the first group of colonists arrived in the "new world," the Mayflower Compact was written. This was a promise between all 41 men who signed the document and the Lord. This document makes very clear the purpose of the voyage.

 "Having undertaken for the glory of God, the advancement of the Christian faith, and the honor of our king and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia. Do by these present solemnly and mutually in the presence of God and each other, covenant and combine ourselves together in a civil body politic for our better ordering and preservation..." - The Mayflower Compact. 

  This, my friends, is why I love this country. I know without a shadow of a doubt that God has His hand over this nation. I am certain of this because this compact was a promise between the colonists and God, and even when we break promises, God does not. We have freedom of religion, which makes clear that this nation is under God because a Christian nation would not force Christianity on its people - God gives us freewill, so a Christian nation would do the same. Our currency says, "In God we trust." In a courtroom, we ask God to help us tell "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." We have the freedom to share the gospel since that is the foundation of this country. 

 So yes, I am an American patriot. I am an advocate for conservative values because I believe they help this nation, not save it. I am thankful for the Constitution and the founding Fathers, not because they were perfect, but because they had the courage to put selfish ambitions aside and think of their posterity. I believe in things such as standing with Israel, being pro-life, and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ - not for politic's sake, but for the Lord's and His plan. I know that He is not just silently watching from above until the end of time. He has not forsaken His people and His country. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He is not done with us yet. 

This is why I love America. I am excited to celebrate its Independence, liberty, and freedom. I hope you all have a blessed time celebrating with friends and family! Please leave any questions or comments below - I would love to hear what you think. 

Your friend, 

                  Alexandra Purdy    





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